It feels like summer is starting.
I haven't decided if this is a good or bad thing yet. I mean I love the nice weather and the sun and the fact that I don't have to wear bulky clothes anymore. Well I avoided those at all costs anyways.
But the sun is my enemy. Summer means a season smelling like sunscreen and being pasty white next to all the beautiful tanned people.
I will just have to 'own' my pasty white skin. It will be my trademark.
April is such a beautiful time. Gardens are flourishing and everything just has a healthy glow to it. Everything is refreshed and new.
It is 'spring cleaning' time and I am repeatedly being asked by my mother if I have anything that I want to get rid of. Nothing this year. I've already gotten rid of it all. Next year though I tell her.
It makes me think. Spring Cleaning shouldn't just be for all the junk laying around our houses. Maybe spring cleaning should be for all the junk in our lives.
I feel like I need to be a new person. I've changed so much on the outside in the past little while but the stuff on the inside is only slowly changing. I need a big blowout, substantial change.
Hmmm...... Maybe this summer I'll get a change of pace instead of a tann.
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