This is ME

The incomplete thoughts and ideas of Laura. This is what goes on inside my head day in and day out. You gotta love it. I do!

Sunday, October 17

i have the craziest life.... i'm going to write a book someday i think

Last night I went to Vancouver to have coffee with a friend. We're sitting outside Bean Around The World and it's about 7 pm. We're talking and I see a lady and her dog (i'm not really paying attention to her of course because I'm engrossed in conversation) and then all of a sudden I just see the dog. I think that's weird, the woman must have went inside and left the dog out. Then I look again more closesly- I see feet as if someone is laying down (there is a small bush between us and her and it perfectly blocked her body from my view). We jump up and go to her- I check her vital signs (first time my first aid course has been of any use to me) and she is breathing. We get the ambulance called. Meanwhile this random guy comes up and starts questioning me very harsly about my level of training and what I was doing. He says he has his level three and that we should put her on her back. Unwilling to do this I say I'm certified and that she is breathing and I don't feel comfortable moving her until directed by a professional. We find her medical alert bracelet and talk to the 911 operator who asks us to put her on her side. After the guy helps me he leaves as randomly as he came. A firetruck and ambulance show up and we talk to the parametics about what happened. A firefighter asks me to take the dog but the leash is under her so I have to grab it by the collar. The dog freaks out, bites me and runs inside the cafe. I chase it into their store room and then finally we were able to put it in the bathroom with an out of order sign on it. The woman is put in the abulance and we begin talking with a firefighter (cute) and makes it sound like it was a medical emergency while he small talks about how we did a good job and what type of drink I had and whether or not it was good. They leave and then a police wagon shows up. Confused we ask the cop (also cute) why and he says that she's really drunk and that it has happened 3 times before this month. After she is in the wagon and both it and the abulance is gone another wagon pulls up to the scene. The officer gets out and is looking around perplexed. We tell him that if he is looking for the woman that she's already been taken away about 10 minutes prior. He says "Good thing you ladies are two steps ahead of my dispatch" (this is what taxpayers are paying for).

After all the the craziest settles and we are ready to finish our evening in mundane style, we notice the on the otherside of the cafe window where we were sitting (us outside) there are these two 35 yearold men (approximate age) that are looking at us. Oh well we ignore them. One ends up coming out and striking up a conversation. We tried to seem as uninterested as humanly possible, I'm laughing and kinda being rude and Zahrah is just being very short with him. He is not getting the point. Finally in efforts to get him inside, I look straight at him and say "I'm really not interested in guys." He seems to get the point but still tries to keep talking, finally he goes inside and then Zar and I burst out laughing and decide to walk back to her house.

Oh my........and that was just the tip of the iceberg on my crazy weekend. Friday night I also turned into a busloop downtown (on the way to dinner) and while trying to do a u-turn to get out was honked at by a cab so then i had to turn back the way I came in (with a bus heading right for me honking) and then manouver my way through the bus loop. Then the resturant where we were going wasn't open yet and Elissa had to use the bathroom so we walked all over Grandville and Davie trying to find a place that would let us use the washroom or that had a washroom for that matter. Finially we get to the Travelodge- most discusting place ever and by that time I had to use the washroom too. It was gross. Well I can't write anymore right now, I guess you'll have to read my book when it comes out about the crazy facts that are my life.

Have a great day!

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