Today I RAN FOR THE CURE! I helped to fight breast cancer (Thank you to those who supported me via encouragement, prayer, love and donations). I RAN FOR SHIRLEY, A SURVIVOR.
To think, I could have been running for me. I had a scare with breast cancer earlier this year. It takes so many lives of women and men. I encourage everyone to find a cause, to get involved, to care about something. You can make a difference, you can bring hope to others, you can change the world. Every small step counts. Every ripple of hope brings forth a wave. Make the world into what you want it to be. You have the power!
I want a school where girls dress for themselves, not for boys. Where girls respect themselves and one another. Where people aren't bullied or put down. Where no one walks alone. Where people smile because they are happy and because they know others care about them. I want a community that helps those in need. That allows people to get involved without discimination. Where people love instead of hate. Where I can walk down the streets and not doubt my safety. I want a Canada that people feel proud of. Where racism and sexism does not exist. Where people can truly be themselves. Where rape, murder, and other crimes are truly dealt with justly- I don't want there to be loop-holes in the system that allows child molesters to walk the streets. I want a world where peace prevails. Where no one listens to idiots like G. W. Bush. Where wars are not fought with guns but with words. Where terroism is a thing of the past not the present. Where all the countries can work together to fight poverty. Where everyone is equal under the sun.
I plan to work towards this!
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