This is ME

The incomplete thoughts and ideas of Laura. This is what goes on inside my head day in and day out. You gotta love it. I do!

Tuesday, September 21

Time to procrastinate some more on my history homework. Right now I am living in a state of irony. Just when things seem to be settling in place about next semester it also feels up in the air because there are so many little details to think about. Even though I feel I am losing a close guy friend (even though I know I'm actually not, it's just an odd relationship) I realize that I have gained a few. I'm proud of myself for graduating early- something I've wanted to do since I was younger for no apparent reason- but I'm also feeling like a slacker and I can't seem to get my but in gear. Also I'm feeling very disconnected from a special little girl in my life but I can't seem to get myself to make the effort. These are all things I must evaluate and fix where applicable.

As a side note: Anyone who reads this and has regular contact with me- remind me to be strong (I'll know what it means).

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