This is ME

The incomplete thoughts and ideas of Laura. This is what goes on inside my head day in and day out. You gotta love it. I do!

Monday, September 13

With a week of school behind me I am finally getting into the routine. Yesterday I was able to take the road less traveled. It was refreshing. I told someone that I didn't hate them and that I was completely over with what happened and that part of my life. Now both parties know how I feel- something I needed. Being mad or hating people isn't me. Sometimes I get angry and ugliness shows in my life but that really isn't me. I love everyone and even though I get annoyed and mad at people I still love them.

Lately my life is becoming more complicated than I would like. I think that I am losing a friend and that friendship is more important to me than what we have become. Hopefully there is still time to remedy this. Oh well- life goes on.

1 Say What?!:

  • At 9:23 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    awh.. who have you been losing a friendship with?
    -your friend


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