I've decided I don't really like being sick. Actually I hate it. Today I had an interesting chat with one of my favourite role models. She told me I should write a book about all the experiences in my life. I agree but I don't know what I would call it or how I would make sense of the circus I laughingly call my life. I also think I should give it until I'm least 20. I mean so far in my life I've loved, lost, had fire explode on me, been stalked, had bad and good boy experiences, volunteered a lot of hours, had crazy good and bad luck, worked in a few different jobs, done well at school, hitch hiked, learned to love and respect myself, gone after what I've wanted, faced lots of my fears, made millions of friends, and had so many adventures I can't recall them all at this point- just think what could happen between now and when I'm 20. When I write my memoir you'll be the first to know.
Something else I want to say...
- Thoughts, Insights and Revelations
- Proud to be Canadian
- Fight Breast Cancer
- Support Burn Victims
- Be a part of the SOLUTION!
- Tip of the Day
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- Today I went to the burn clinic- my last visit. Th...
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- This was a good weekend. I was able to spend it wi...
- Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I...
- One more day.. Tomorrow school starts up again. I...
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