Here I sit with my hair a muck, smudged makeup on my fingers and the back of my hands, sweat from my run glistening on my forehead and the strap of my bra falling down my arm. Do I care about any of this? No.
Lately I have been feeling 'blah'. Life hasn't been exciting, work has been dull/ stressed, family has gotten on my nerves, writing has become a chore (as you may or may not have noticed I'm thinking about getting rid of my other blog), and I've grown away from a friend or two. I was really searching for a purpose in the chapter of my life.
Guess what? I realized it. I think in a pervious, very very previous post, I talked about an assembly that I'm creating and organizing for girls grades 8-10 in my highschool, HD Stafford. This assembly is about appearance, self confidence and relationships.
Today while running I began to think about the assembly and what I might say. I also though about next year when me and friend of mine plan to put on this assembly at other highschools and talk to girls all over the lower mainland. From this my focus shifted onto ways to make this one little idea bigger and better.
I know that I have always been a role model but I would like to take that along with my leadership qualities and enventually touch and help change the lives of many young girls.
I suppose something that sparked this may be a comment from a previous post:
strider said…
hey there...just checking in.I used to feel the same way all the time (regarding moving away and helping out)do the best you can where you are and maybe one day you will make a big move...but if you do what you can where you are you will make a difference no matter where in the world you are.think globally, act locally
1 Say What?!:
At 9:56 p.m.,
M. Martin said…
I am so happy you took it to heart. that's awesome. glad to know i could help just a bit.
I love seeing people out there trying to make a difference and not thinking about what is best for them not giving a s**t about anyone else.
the young will rule the world one day. we need GOOD young people like you to lead the way.
ps.dont stop your blog. it rocks.
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