This is ME

The incomplete thoughts and ideas of Laura. This is what goes on inside my head day in and day out. You gotta love it. I do!

Friday, January 2

Well, I suppose since this is my first post of the new year it should be exciting, but it probably won't. To me, New Years isn't as special as a birthday or an anniversary. Sure, it's a good excuse to hang out with your friends and loved ones and reflect on your year, but can't we do that all the time? But then again, I also believe that a New Year symbolizes a new chapter in life- one in which I am happy to unfold and explore.
Do you think that you can find your soulmate while you are still in highschool? It's a question that has been on my mind recently. Over the past few days I realized the value of a best friend, one with whom you can share everything. I'm so glad that he lets me share; it's so refreshing to let someone hear what's inside. I've decided that tears are just the body's way to make you tell someone else that you are hurting. My body and mouth have very separate minds; through my tears he still hears the words "I'm fine". Apparently now isn't the time for me to be strong and rough around the edges because if it was my tears wouldn't disobey my mouth. Here's the answer to my question above, one which truly scares me: I don't know if you can, but I have.

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