What does forgiveness truly mean? "I'm forgiven because you were forsaken..." God says that I'm forgiven for my sins and I understand His forgiveness but what does it mean to be forgiven by another person? Does it mean that they accept what I have done wrong? Forget it? Deal with it? Choose to ignore it? Hate me for it but just act nice to my face? Really I have no clue. I do know that I long to be forgiven. I also know that hate the fact that I am hated. I wonder how long it will take to her heart to mend and her anger to be cool to the touch? I also wonder how much longer I can go on being hated. Today wasn't so bad- no words only glares that burned the marrow inside my bones. The hardest part is the fact that her anger towards me only makes my heart break for her and I can offer her nothing because she refuses my kindness. I have nothing but love in my heart for her and I am so lost as to what to do. I talked to my pastor and shared things I thought he knew but didn't, oh well it's for the best. He can do more for her than I could ever do. Before she talked about forgiving others and I wonder if it's too much for her to forgive me. Then again, I wonder why I want to be forgiven so much because I have done nothing wrong. For once I won't reject my own happiness in order to please another. I can't. "Yesterday,today and forever/ you are the same/you never change/ yesterday,today and forever/ you are faithful and I will trust in you". I've learned that through this trial and the ones yet to come the only thing I can do is trust. Just trust.
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