This is ME

The incomplete thoughts and ideas of Laura. This is what goes on inside my head day in and day out. You gotta love it. I do!

Wednesday, January 26

Yesterday was a good day. I got some actual studying done, got my haircut (looks good by the way) and went to fire fighting class. It was amazing. Monday night one of the mushroom farms in Langley caught on fire and they are still fighting it today (Wednesday). Last night I got to go out to the farm, walk around the scene, help fill a tanker, and.... go up in the tower (the 100 ft. ladder with a box on it to stand) and use the hose and help put out hot spots. It was amazing. This is really helping with my fear of fire and it's really opening up my eyes to possibilities. I am realistically going to look into being an on-call fire fighter for a few years when I turn 19.

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