So last night I thought I was going to die.
In my life I have experienced a lot of physical pain so don't think I'm shitting you when I say this, I had my first migraine last night and it was one of the most horrible experiences of my life. At one point I could not stop crying and my body was shaking from the pain. The only other time my body has shook from pain is when I was burned. Now, it wasn't as bad or close to as bad as the pain I experienced when I was burned but it was comparable. Probably the second worst pain I've ever felt- worse than falling off a horse and wrecking my elbow.
I think one of my biggest things is the fact that I won't take pain medication. I don't know what it is but I just don't like to. I felt a headache coming on but usually all it takes for me to get rid of them is to either wait them out or turn off all the lights and go to sleep. I chose the latter and I did fall asleep for awhile, until I was wretched from my sleep from the pain. Even then I didn't take anything right away I just tried to fall asleep.
When that didn't work. I finally took some pills and grabbed an ice pack. Maybe I need to be less stubborn in the future.
4 Say What?!:
At 3:16 a.m.,
Anonymous said…
yeh mate, i get migranes all the time and if i didnt take pain killers id like die from the pain learn to be less stuborn or you wont get off that easy next time. ive had migranes that just go on on and on for up to a month.
At 3:17 a.m.,
Anonymous said…
soz the one before was from me -Zimmo,
At 11:12 a.m.,
Anonymous said…
Wow, migraines are a bitch i used to get them all the time. It was that or i was thinking too hard is there smoke coming out the top of my head? - sniffs the air- i smell no smoke... We're good to go! I love your posts there really good to read. I like your out look on life I've got mostly sucidal people reading my blog thingy. Weird, but there my friends and i love 'em! :-)
At 5:50 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
I really hope you get better soon.
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