"By now you shoulda somehow realized what you gotta do..."
So I realize its been quite awhile since I posted. I'm trying to decide what I want to do with this. I might erase everything and start from scratch, or I might not. I don't think anyone really reads this so I might just make it private and have it just for myself. Or I might turn it into a way for me to start writing my book. So that until I get a laptop I can write and continue with it from any pc.
Anyways I guess I will talk about the assembly since I promised to on a previous post. Life has just gotten in the way of my writing I guess.
The assembly was a hit. There were mixed reactions from the girls but I think that is good. The ones who were thankful for the assembly saw the need for it and respected what we were doing and the ones that got mad because of it were mad because they felt convicted and I see that as a good thing. At the beginning things were a little crazy, and if you know me you know that I like things organized, but it worked out. I think that the best and most important outcome of the assembly was that the girls realized that they need to be true to themselves.
Last night a friend and I had a girls- in night. After we watched our uber-girly movie we began to just talk about life, school, family and guys. I realized that I can't settle. Not for anything or anyone in my life. I realize that I might sound stuck up by saying that but I don't care.
1 Say What?!:
At 7:31 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
You can't really force a blog to become something it doesn't want to become. Just write what you feel like writing, and let it evolve from there.
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