This is ME

The incomplete thoughts and ideas of Laura. This is what goes on inside my head day in and day out. You gotta love it. I do!

Tuesday, February 17

Valentine's day came and went; a day when 'love' was in the air. I love any day that celebrates love and life but it is true that Feb. 14th is such a commercial holiday. I wonder if the the fact that it's so superficial makes us confuse flowers and candy for love and respect. At first I was like most girls with dreams of presents and flowers on that special day but that's not him. I had the most amazing day spent with the one I love. I suppose that every day spent with him is amazing. I'm glad that I didn't get caught up in the commercial side of the holiday because then I think I wouldn't have cherished our time together that day as much. Sometimes I wonder if I am capable of having a serious relationship, yes even now after 4 or so months, but then I realize that I could never picture myself with someone else. I didn't want this post to be a mushy one but that's how it ended up. I suppose that life with all it's horror also had times that are mushy. I guess that's just life.

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