This is ME

The incomplete thoughts and ideas of Laura. This is what goes on inside my head day in and day out. You gotta love it. I do!

Friday, January 23

Ever had a song play over and over in your head? Well what about when it plays over and over again in there so long that when you actually try to think about the lyrics and the song that you completely forget it? The reason you forget the song when you try to think about it is because you've never had to think about so when you actually think about it, it ruins everything. I think that others things in life can become such a normality that when you actually stop to think about them you are left dumbfounded. This is the craziness that lives inside my brain.

(Stolen from another blog) "I believe in the importance of education. I believe knowledge is power, but I also believe that a lot of the time the knowledge you really need you won't learn in books. "

I've decided to graduate either a semester early or take first semester off next year. Like my friend, I value education but I also believe that most of what I learn inside the halls of highschool will be forgotten. There's not much I have planned to do in my empty semester other than experience life. In the past 11 and a half years all I have done is gone to school and had the summer to myself. After highschool I will do that still for 5 more years. I want to experience life and I want a change. I plan to work, visit friends and family, and cherish life I suppose. Right now I am trying to decide which semester I to go to school, first or second. Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

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