This is ME

The incomplete thoughts and ideas of Laura. This is what goes on inside my head day in and day out. You gotta love it. I do!

Monday, January 19

Sometimes it's so hard to learn and realize things about yourself, but at the same time, so good. Maybe today was good or maybe it wasn't. All I know is that it was a among many in which I was tired, happy, sad, confused and excited all in one. Today I did not run so I look forward to tomorrow and the endurance it will bring. Thank you James for your running encouragement. I too love the feel of pavement under my feel and crisp air in my lungs. I think that my favourite part of running is the quietness that it brings. Oh sure, there are the outside sounds but when I run I have inner silence. There is no battle of thoughts or a chaotic heap of 'to-do-lists', there is nothing but the sweet sound of my feet and the pitter-patter of my dog's as they hit the rough ground. All that I am left to comtemplate is my day, not in a stressful way but more in a 'let's let this all sink in' kind of way. It's refreshing and relaxing. I am so thankful that my knees don't give out.

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