This is ME

The incomplete thoughts and ideas of Laura. This is what goes on inside my head day in and day out. You gotta love it. I do!

Saturday, January 10

The rain and fog are thick but they don't phase me. I am happy so happy.... Whoever thought of making pink, dangley, star earrings is marvelous! They make me feel like a little girl again- carefree and hyper (okay maybe, just maybe the hyperness is comming from my peppermint mocha with extra sprinkles but still!). It's so great to be overwhelmed with joy so suddenly. On the way home from North Van I was tired and was dreading my return but now I am all bubbly inside. I realize that happiness is contagious. The happier (and goofier) I act the more it carries over into my friend's lives. Share your smiles, they can do more than you think. I often wonder why we are suddenly filled with joy after moments of frustration or sadness- I think it's because we are loved, so loved. To you who is reading this, my friend, remember that you are loved, at least by me.

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