CHERISH LIFE. Smile at a stranger. Dance to your favourite song. Memorize a quote. Pick up a piece of garbage. Call up an old friend. Call up a new friend. Remember birthdays. Buy someone flowers. Send someone actual snail mail. Give hugs. Hold hangs. Link arms. Help someone with directions. Help someone carry a heavy load. Tell your friends, family and loved ones that you love them. Surprise someone. Send a card or an e-card. Be proud of your 'A's. Try your hardest. Give it your all. Go out for the team. Take up a new hobby. Run a marathon. Enjoy the outdoors. Volunteer. Be a mentor. Be a mentee. Walk your dog. Smile often. Laugh whenever possible. Cheer up a friend. Do some baking. Mow a neighbour's lawn. Do something without being asked. Read a good book. Write a book. Sing a song. Express yourself. Cry when it hurts and get it out. Dance the jig. Play with your siblings. Be a shoulder to cry on. Try extreme sports. Work at a summer camp. Love yourself. Try a new subway sandwich. Wear bestfriend necklaces. Skinny dip. Go play in the rain. Travel. Do what makes you feel good inside. CHERISH LIFE.
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