This is ME

The incomplete thoughts and ideas of Laura. This is what goes on inside my head day in and day out. You gotta love it. I do!

Tuesday, January 20

4 days until the end of semester one- yay!!!! I cannot wait for physics to be over and I cannot wait for it to be the 'semester before summer'. I cannot wait to go away over spring break and I cannot wait to go away in the summer. Mostly I cannot wait for things to be exciting. I want something out of the ordinary, I want something special, I want something memorable. Basically I just want change. Give me something new and I'll give you a girl who loves to spice things up. Give me something difficult and I'll give you a girl who likes to overcome obstacles. Give me excitement and I'll give you a girl who will excite you. I think that the part of the reason why I love change so much is because it allows to start a new chapter of your life. The change outside can be a gateway to the change inside. Yesterday started a new chapter of my life and already I see change- it's an amazing revelation.

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