This is ME

The incomplete thoughts and ideas of Laura. This is what goes on inside my head day in and day out. You gotta love it. I do!

Thursday, January 29

Oh sometimes I wonder when this rain will end because I hate being wet all the time but then on the other hand I know that it is the price that I pay to live in the lower mainland. I love it hear. I love being by the ocean and the mountains and I love being close to the heart of the city. Tomorrow is Friday and I couldn't be happier. This week has been busy and I want to sleep in. With semester 2 starting I realize that highschool will soon be over for me and I really won't miss it. A lot of people think that I will because they have, but no, that's not me. I just can't wait to break free from that place and start life. Even though I have 5-5.5 years of post secondary ahead of me still I just can't wait to be done highschool and for that chapter of my life to be over. Don't get me wrong I've had a lot of fun in those halls but still I long to be gone and experience life. I suppose that I now I just feel stuck that parts of my life can't start because I am here. I mean, I can't take off and travel for a month, I can't really plan a lot of my future until I get into the post secondary programs that I want, I can't really plan my life or even think about my future with a special someone, I can't be all that independent. I just what life to come and take me for a ride.

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