This is ME

The incomplete thoughts and ideas of Laura. This is what goes on inside my head day in and day out. You gotta love it. I do!

Wednesday, April 14

Oh my. James you are wonderful because you say it exactly how it is and I need a good reality check now and then (maybe more); everyone does. Who ever is reading this at this moment go to his blog (James' Mind) and read the April 13th blog post.

It's true. It's hard to love the world when I love the new hair clips I bought today. Every day I am reminded of my imperfections. I do long to be humble and loving and worthy of all that I have. Sometimes I wish I suffered more in my life so that I would understand but I also know that everyone suffers but just in a different way.

Sometimes it makes me want to puke: So many people right now are worrying about where there are going to sleep tonight and I am worrying about whether or not I'll be able to run tomorrow and take my dog for a walk and do my homework without making my neck worse. Sometime I make myself sick because I am reminded of all I have and all that others don't.

How can I make a difference, a real difference. You tell me.

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