This is ME

The incomplete thoughts and ideas of Laura. This is what goes on inside my head day in and day out. You gotta love it. I do!

Tuesday, May 25

A long weekend makes getting back to reality a little hard. No more lounging around in bed all morning, no more strolling through the woods. No staying up all night talking. No being in the wilderness without anyone else around except my 2 favourite boys.

Reality is not as nice as that was. Reality is tricky. I see it on different levels. There's the reality I see everyday- the kids bullying other kids at school, people getting wet in the rain, a man asking if I can spare a few bucks, people getting sick with the flu or some cold, students failing, parents divorcing. Really its not that harsh. Then there's the reality you see on the news- the war in Iraq, 5 car pile ups, bank robberies, murders, kidnappings, stolen identities, the Canadian government screwing up, Bush making an ass of himself. That's what the media wants you to see. Then there's the reality that no one talks about- youth being forced into prostitution, the man that beats his wife, the teacher that looks 'a little too closely' at their students, the boy who was raped, exploited children and countries, poverty in it's worst sense, gang rapes, mass murders, children who have to kill or be killed. This is reality. Reality isn't as nice as we wished it was.

1 Say What?!:

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