This is ME

The incomplete thoughts and ideas of Laura. This is what goes on inside my head day in and day out. You gotta love it. I do!

Monday, April 19

Stop and remember the simple times of childhood. Take a moment to reflect on happy times and relaxing moments. We get so caught up in busy schedules and timelines that it's hard to get away from that stress. To take a moment to sit and think. I mean heaven forbid we just put our cell phone in our bag and forget about!!?! Didn't you know that your gonna be late for that appointment if I can't get a hold of you!?? Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be bored and I mean really bored. No one to call, to see, to talk to, no appointment to be late for, no meeting to dread, no work, no fun, no extra class, no homework, no music, no pets to walk or play with, no parents to give you chores to do. What would it be like to be bored? Something I long for is silence. I wonder what true silence would be like.

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