I've decided that my life is a complete joke! I haven't decided whether or not this bothers me though. It's just that I'm so busy and I feel like I have nothing to show for it. Friendships and relationships are becoming so complicated that I just want to turn off my phone and never answer it again. My household is filling rapidly. Deadlines are coming up. Projects are due. Tests are missed. Money is short but not really which weighs on my conscious.
Worst of all I know that this is nothing. These aren't real problems or crisis. Real problems are the War on Iraq, the girl who is unable to bring lunch to school, the family that is about to lose their house, the country that is run by drug-lords, the guy who drove drunk and killed someone, the woman who overdosed this morning and left behind a two year old, the pregnant woman who is addicted to crack, the orphan, the victims of terrorism, the uncle who rapes his niece, the child who has been burned, the girl who suffers from bulimia, the child who is slowly dieing from starvation. This is what I must realize in my life. Me and you are well off.
I have experienced a lot of un-pretty and horribly ugly things in my life but I have gotten through them. I've decided that I want to help those who haven't or can't.