This is ME

The incomplete thoughts and ideas of Laura. This is what goes on inside my head day in and day out. You gotta love it. I do!

Wednesday, December 29

Random Updates Of My So-Called Life:
  • My step-brother got married on the 27th.
  • He and I have become a lot closer.
  • I have only 1 month left of school.
  • I got a job.
  • I'm going to Silverstar tomorrow for until Sunday.
  • From the 2nd-7th I get to live at my step-brothers and dogsit while they are away on honeymoon.
  • My Christmas went well.
  • On the last week I've seen both Meet The Fockers and The Avaitor (before this I can't remember when I was last at the theaters) and I recommend them both.

Thanks for caring about me enough to read. I hope you know I love you to pieces.

Tuesday, December 28

Dating tips from my relatives over the holiday after they asked me about my relationship-status:
  • "You don't need to date; just take some time for yourself."
  • "You should give every guy who askes you out a chance."
  • "Boys are idiots."
  • "Maybe it's time you had a serious relationship."
  • "Maybe you should just fool around for awhile." (not kidding)

Oh my family is interesting!

Sunday, December 26

Something I've realized about myself yet again: I push people away; males for the most part.

Saturday, December 25

What is your happy place?

Tonight I went and saw Aviator with my dad and was unprepared for a part where a person is caught on fire. This really disturbed me, for obvious and not obvious reasons, and I tried to think of my happy place. I was not happy with what first came to my head. Have you ever have that feeling where you know something is good and should be happening but you also know that it will never work out and is also not good?

I know this makes no sense to anyone but it does to me and this is my journal. ;)

Ps. Thank you Ryan. Our little talk helped.

Friday, December 24

Today I found out information that really complicated things. I realize that there are many things I need to work on regarding how I interact with people. Oh well...More confusion- this is what my life is made of...

Yea, I'm really not excited about Christmas. I don't know what it is but I'm just not feeling it this year. Can anyone help me get excited?

Uh oh!

Thursday, December 23

This week at work was good. Kinda hectic but still good. I actually enjoy working and I forgot how much I missed it.

Wednesday, December 22

Christmas is approaching. Are you ready for it? I guess I am in the 'commercial' sense of the word. All the presents are bought and are waiting to be wraped. The stocking are hung and the tree is decorated. The house is cleaned for people. In my case, the turkey has already been had. However, when it has come to family I don't know if I cam rady to be around them. I certainly wasn't this saturday. I just do seem to be in the christmas mood.

Monday, December 20

Tonight was very interesting. Usually I am a social butterfly who will talk to anyone but I didn't feel like socializing at all tonight. Quite frankly I don't know why I went other than to see Sheens. I think I need to spend another day by myself. Need to really want to see people next time I leave the house...

Saturday, December 18

Today is Christmas in my house!!!

I've decided that I'm not a big fan of Christmas. It's way to commercialized. And don't get me wrong- I do get caught up in the commercialness of it and that's one of the things I hate. Of course I love seeing all the family and spending time with them and I love the underlying meaning that Christmas represents. However, the pressure and hecticness sometimes gets too much in the way of the 'Christmas spirit'.

Wednesday, December 15

It's funny that I've always had the preference: "not in highschool" when it came to potential dates/boyfriends. After a recent conversation with a friend I realized, though I've probably known all along, that just because boys are out of highschool doesn't mean that they any more mature! And I'm not saying that there aren't mature boys in highschool, it's just that they are hard to find. Actually, mature single boys are hard to find anywhere! Of course there are millions of guys out there who are fabulous friends but I have found it hard to find the dateable ones.

Do we hold on to past relationships in order to try to mold them into what we want, or hoping that someday they will work? Or maybe we just want a 'safety'... Today I realized that as hard as it is going to be I need to cut someone out of my life- cold turkey. That past three years we've successfully added loads of stress and complication to each others lives because we like to believe that one day it might work out. The circumstances aren't right for us and end up making the feelings fade. It has gone from extreme passion and attraction to no real attraction at all and a deteriorating friendship because the way we met, how busy our lives are, our social lives and personality have all complicated it.

Do people sometimes settle for something that isn't right just because it works? Is there just one perfect person out there for us or are there multiple perfect people out there who are meant for certain periods of our life and whose perfectness expires past it's due date?

Tuesday, December 14

I am at a point in my life where I am just trying to get through. I have not desire to be at school or to be at home or really to be doing anything in particular. The only thing that is getting me through right now is hope for the future. Things I look forward to:
  • Winter Break
  • The Wedding
  • Semester being over= NO MORE HIGHSCHOOL
  • Taking my rock climbing course
  • Graduation
  • Summer

Monday, December 13

I hate feeling pressured to do things. It just adds stress to my life and I hate it. Oh well.

Countdown to Winter Break: 4 days.

Countdown to end of semester (when I'm done): not soon enough.

I will probably write more randomness later...Enjoy.

Ohh...I must do another "Carrie Bradshaw" post soon....I think it will be time to vent in the near future.

Saturday, December 11

Lets get into the Christmas spirit people....

Sing a carol. Give a little bit. Give a lot. Be merry. Dance. Kiss under the mistletoe. Wrap presents. Write cards. Deck the halls. Dress the tree. Suprise someone. Love. Laugh. Eat. Bake. Rest and relax. Show someone you care. Play in the snow. Dress warm. Snuggle. Look at the stars. Make a wish. Feel blessed. Write a letter. Share. Get excited about time off school/work. See family. Spend time with friends. Remember. Start new traditions. Keep old ones. Celebrate.

Today's Christmas tune of choice: Santa Baby.

Friday, December 10

I love how my life is full of growth experiences and surprises. I also love how I'm too lazy to write anything so I will just give you a few highlights:
  • I realized my crush and I just won't work together as more than friends so I'm completely over that. I think I needed to have one highschool crush before I graduated and he is an awesome guy and hopefully good friend so it was a good choice.
  • I had grad cruise last night and wore my fabulous shoes. Lime green crazy high heels. Oh ya! I love that I can dance like a maniac and not care at all.
  • I get to spend 3 days with my best friend, Elissa, (starting 2 nights ago). Party time!
  • My car got towed- big life lesson in many ways.
  • I only have a month an a half left of school before I'm done with highschool classes. I'm so excited.
  • I need food now....

Tuesday, December 7

Now to explain my previous post:

Yesterday I had an interview at Langley Fire Hall # 6 for their 3 month trainee course. I got the job. So for January, February, and March every Tuesday night I will be practicing at Hall # 7. I'm excited.

Monday, December 6

Fire fighter LAURA!

Sunday, December 5

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."


Saturday, December 4

"You make me wanna LA LA"

Passion. To want someone so badly, every minute of the day. Now that's love. I don't mean want them in just a sexual sense. You want them in everyway- body, mind and soul. You miss when you are not with them and you count the minutes when until you meet again. It's not that you can't live without them, it's just that you'd rather not have to. And they feel the exact same about you.

I'm not ready for love. Not at all.

I think that it is easy to fall into superficial love but real love you have to be ready for. You have to want to give up that much time to someone else. You need to want to be taken care of and have someone watch out for you all the time. You have to want to be loved.

"In the kitchen, on the floor"

Thursday, December 2

I think that I have been very annoying for the past day or so. I don't know why but I can't help it. It's just the headspace I am in. I can't be intellectual or stimulating; I can just be annoying. Just hope it doesn't last long.

After finding out some new information I sit and wait. I do nothing with it because I am very unsure of what use it has. I am very unsure of what I want. I am very unsure of what I can do with it.

Wednesday, December 1

Help....someone is messing with my brain....

(I'm in a very tired, stupid mood. Feel free to leave some intellectual comments in order to help me out of this mood)